Friday, July 24, 2009


Having NOT been much of a germophobe, I never got into using many antibacterial products. Plus being a proponent of utilizing the created natural over the synthesized, I’ve favored the use of lavender or other essential oils to fight germs whenever possible. I find this observation interesting:

Allison Aiello, PhD, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan, headed a group that analyzed several studies comparing people who washed their hands with regular or antibacterial soap. In all but one trial, she tells WebMD, “there was no difference between groups, either in bacteria on the hands or in rates of illness.” In a single study, people who used antibacterial soap did have fewer bacteria on their hands, but only if they washed for 30 seconds, 18 times a day, for five days straight. [From]

1 comment:

Brenda said...

There was another study years ago indicating the use of antibacterial soap on a regular basis was actually not a good choice since it helps bacteria build up resistence to the antibacterial product thus strengthening the bacteria's potential for becoming more virulent. No pun intended but...I avoid products like soap labeled "antibacterial" like the plague!