Monday, January 19, 2009

30 seconds

“Thirty seconds is enough time to shift your heart's rhythm from stressed to relaxed.”

So says Deborah Rozman (PhD, psychologist; co-founder, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. Zeer, D. Office Yoga, Chronicle Books, 2000).

The way to do that: Engage your heart and your mind in positive thinking.

Start by envisioning anything that triggers a positive feeling -- a vision of your child or spouse, the image of your pet, that great piece of jewelry you're saving up to buy, a memento from a vacation -- whatever it is, conjuring up the thought will help slow breathing, relax tense muscles and put a smile on your face. Rozman says that creating a positive emotional attitude can also calm and steady your heart rhythm, contributing to feelings of relaxation and peace.

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