Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Essential" good

A few suggestions for essential oil use (find some background and basics in previous day’s post):

*Maybe start with lavender. It acts as an all-purpose soother: pulls the heat from burns, quiets rashes, and decreases redness and swelling of wounds with its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

*Next eucalyptus. It provides quick relief from congested airways and is easy to drop onto a tissue, or add to a room spray or humidifier. And it increases alertness – in studies done on truck drivers, inhaling eucalyptus periodically was found more effective than ingesting caffeine.

Add in others – For a boost in accuracy, try citrus oils – Japanese researchers found 54% fewer typing errors among keyboard operators when the workplace was scented with lemon.

As an aid in prayer and meditation try frankincense. I enjoy putting an oil blend on my palms and cupping them over my nose while slowly breathing in the vapours. [For my preferred meditative prayer oil blend, go to post Tues, June 2, 2009]

Especially lavender and eucalyptus and citrus oils are affordable for many. [To obtain essential oils, check the local coop. Find more aromatherapy uses and information at]

Lavender can be applied undiluted and directly to skin. NOTE: Because essential oils are so potent, most need to be diluted in a carrier oil for application to the body. It’s advisable to obtain a book on aromatherapy or do some research online, and follow the guidelines and recipes; there are some warnings to be heeded. Rarely though will an essential oil do harm rather benefit: essentially made of the same molecular essences as are found in our bodies, they are a natural good!

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