Sunday, September 27, 2009

An intelligent source

Discovery Institute’s Dr. Stephen Meyer has written a book called Signature in the Cell where he asserts that, given the vast complexity of information required to create the 250 proteins necessary to sustain the simplest living cell, the probability that life originated in the primordial soup by chance is beyond astronomically slim—only 1 in 10 to the 41 thousandth power!

Dr. Meyer says, “Our uniform experience affirms that specified information—whether inscribed in hieroglyphics, written in a book, encoded in a radio signal, or produced in a simulation experiment—always arises from an intelligent source, from a mind and not a strictly material process...Indeed, it follows that the best, most causally adequate explanation for the origin of the specified, digitally encoded information in DNA is that it too had an intelligent source.” –as reported in Breakpoint on Sept 24, 2009

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