Wednesday, October 21, 2009


In a conversation with a friend a short time ago, the comment was made in reference to how our kids grow us – “I don’t know what kind of person I’d be without my children.” I’m pretty sure I’d be even more self-centered than I am now.

I am so fortunate to have kids that challenge and inspire me, and help me think outside of my present comfort box. In a moving blog post (Sun, Oct 18, 2009) daughter Rebekah shared a poem that I’d like to share here.

People’s Prayer

by Rebekah’s Central American professor

Forgive our giving up, our fixation on being
comfortable and powerful...

Forgive our inability to see beyond our street and experience,
thereby denying the lives lived by others
and denying the power and complexity that is you.
We have trespassed on your fullness,
your design, your sacred spaces.

Your voice cries in pain with ours,
will not remain Silent in the
face of injustice, will not let violence strip
Love from Life.

For you are the Creatrix,
the season-changer, the maker of snow,
the center of hope, a Spectrum of Aliveness.

1 comment:

Anne, Leighton and Lilly said...

Oh, I take that to my heart, how Lilly affects me in a good way, even when the going gets rough.