Monday, May 5, 2008

Sunlight and aging

I have a great like for sunlight. On this beautiful sunny day in my garden, I saw three other creatures loving the sun. Besides warming cold-blooded snakes, sunlight does some good things for us warm-blooded souls. In the March 2008 issue of Health magazine, I read -
"A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that high levels of vitamin D - a nutrient your body makes from sun exposure - can slow the aging process by up to five years. The vitamin apparently cuts down on DNA damage that boosts the risk of age-related illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Just 20 minutes a week of sunlight on the skin (preferably not on your face) can deliver 90 percent of your daily D requirements."

Like anything, we can overdo it: too much sun raises risks for skin cancer and premature aging.
So, in moderation (like I can talk! I'm still only so-so about being sun moderate, and was awful about in my younger days) might you enjoy the sun this spring!

Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.
Ecclesiastes 11:7

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