and so much bad in the best of us
that it hardly becomes any of us
to talk about the rest of us.
the musings of a simple 'girl' that eats dirt and wants to grow wellness and wisdom
Words are powerful and affect our thoughts!
“The simple fact of saying anything has the real effect of binding that thing in our thoughts. I have found that it is no use to pray to be kept from thinking wrongly unless at the same time I am willing to have all my words censored by the Holy Spirit also…every refusal and thrusting back of the wrong speaking, means deliverance from the wrong thinking….For the interplay and connection between thought and some expression of the thought is so inseparable, that every expression by word of mouth impresses the thought more deeply on the mind, so that one simply cannot stop thinking about the things one speaks about.” – Hannah Hurnard, p 57 Winged Life
A heart at peace gives life to the body. – Proverbs 14:30
Prayer encompasses more than words: it refers to my whole life, my longing for God, my whole drive toward Him.
Grievances seem to most often involve another, but they can also be with self. I’ve had a tendency to self-flagellate. It has not served me well. This counsel is good for me:
"On the commission of a fault it is of great importance to guard against vexation and disquietude, which springs from a secret root of pride and a love of our own excellence; we are hurt by feeling what we are; and if we discourage ourselves or despond, we are the more enfeebled; and from our reflections on the fault a chagrin arises, which is often worse than the fault itself.
The truly humble soul is not surprised at defects or failings; and the more miserable and wretched it beholds itself, the more doth it abandon itself unto God, and press for a nearer and more intimate acquaintance with him, that it may avail itself of his eternal strength." - Madame Guyon
Still, what we do counts for something. I just had a birthday and I’m kinda old; in these advancing years I want to be more artful in my doing and more beautiful in my being.
“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” – Unknown
photo is of a beautiful old person, my dear grandmother, Ursula Hartfiel Hubbard Just (1911-2007)
there are really six people present.
There is each man as he sees himself,
each man as the other person sees him,
and each man as he really is.
-William James, psychologist and philosopher (1842-1910)
“If only you would slay the wicked…” (in me – I always add when I mutter Psalm 139 to myself) “Search me oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139: 19, 23-24
As I was appreciating quiet this morning (laying under my comfortable comforter and praying) there was also much disquiet in my mind. Last night I both 1) attended a talk on fair trade and was exposed again to economic inequities and need of other peoples, and 2) read my daughter’s blog post on the peoples’ rage in Managua, Nicaragua over electoral fraud.
[Here’s a few words from her post: “in a country where so many don't have anything - don't have food to eat, don't have land to farm, don't have a house for their family - i guess i can see why there's so much rage when they take away one thing they are supposed to have, their vote.” For more go to the 11/10/08 entry at]
She also mentioned that she was seeing nothing yet of the violent street protests and election fraud in the international news – at least not in English. I was reminded - again - of how easy it is to not want to hear about all the ways we mistreat each other, and to realize anew that along with the other I am among those that participate in cruelty.
You may ask – what does this have to do with wellness?
Seeing the whole picture, confronting the whole truth, is for me a part of wellness. Facing the cruelties, in others and myself, helps move me out of complacency to action, albeit small. So does looking for any positive, and recognizing any good in the other and myself. Both are important: looking squarely at hard realities, but also hoping that somehow, some way, some good and light might rise from the darkness.
“…even the darkness will not be dark to you oh God; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” Psalm 139:12