Monday, December 1, 2008


A friend shared this poem with me; I'd like to pass it along. As we enter into Advent, and as I pray for my first grandchild growing in womb, these words are especially poignant.

New life and light from silence and darkness:
such mystery, such hope.

Advent Longing

In the darkness of the season, in the silence of Mary's womb,
new life waits and grows.
Hope is shaped in hidden places,
on the edges, in the depths
far from the blinding lights and deafening sounds of consumer frenzy.

In the darkness and silence of my own life,
I wait,
listening for the whisper of angel wings,
longing for a genuine experience of mystery,
hoping for a rekindling of joy and the establishment of peace.

I lean into the darkness and silence.

-- Larry J. Peacock

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