Monday, February 8, 2010

Nourish yourself

Some wellness reading brought me to the tips below in an article at BlueCross BlueShield of MN "Healthy Living: Wellness Center" online, with "Eating Well" emphasis. I appreciate the attainable feel to the suggestions.

Take small steps. Work on one thing at a time. If you normally skip breakfast, make a pledge to eat something healthy in the morning five out of seven days a week. Make this your only goal until you have it down pat. Then move onto the next thing. Trying to do too much at once can leave you feeling overwhelmed, and you will be more likely to abandon the effort altogether.

Treat yourself well. You are as important as the next person. Ignoring your own needs can cause stress and resentment and eventually lead to overeating. If you work to feed your soul, you will be less likely to overfeed your body.

Nourish yourself in different ways:

  • Take up a new hobby, or get back to one you have been putting off.
  • Catch a movie with a friend or spouse.
  • Get a massage or manicure.
  • Buy a new workout outfit or a new pair of walking shoes.
  • Practice meditating, or take a yoga class.
  • Allow yourself to take an afternoon nap or a soothing bath.
Might I add - spend time with your grandbaby? (It's one of my 'feed your soul' activities!)

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

this is a beautiful picture!(of both of you - and i miss both of you!)