Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lavender sleep

One of the prized pieces in grandma’s display case is a cobalt blue bottle of oil of lavender. I’m a big advocate of lavender essential oil, as
antimicrobial (I routinely use lavender essential oil on wounds),
anti-inflammatory (it is great for burns),
mild analgesic (also good for mild headaches),
overall regulator, and
sleep aid.

Research indicates that lavender essential oil increases cerebral blood circulation which can increase alertness and wake up the metabolism.
As it is regulatory, if needed, it can have a seemingly opposite
effect than alertness: studies show that lavender increases alpha brain wave activity (associated with a restful mental state), and the vapor is as effective for night sedation as many prescription drugs. The components of linalol and terpinol have central nervous system depressant effects that contribute to better sleep. [Research cited in Nature’s Cures by Michael Castleman (1996)]

If I had to choose just one essential oil, it would be lavender oil.

May your sleep be sweet this night
and every night.

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