Friday, September 19, 2008

Slimmer space

I am interested in trying out ideas that might give some health advantages; that is, if they’re not too difficult. Here’s a couple of easy ideas that supposedly will help us eat more healthily.

* Turn up the lights. Dimmer lighting makes you more apt to eat more, according to researchers at the U of California-Irvine. “People ten to underestimate the amount of food that they eat in the dark,” says Brian Wansink, a food psychology professor at Cornell University, PhD, and author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.

* Use smaller plates. Studies show “almost everyone put 25 percent more food on a bigger plate.” Why? Wansink comments, "We eat with our eyes, not with our stomach."

* Hang artwork of fruit or vegetable still life. Posters of healthy food in a dining room resulted in diners eating more fruit and vegetables and less meat, according to research from the Behavioral Sciences Division of the US Army.


1 comment:

Rebekah said...

i love these easy tips! and it's so fun to see them scientifically backed. you're the best