Sunday, February 24, 2008

All light

My life is too much about me. I find it helpful to occasionally do some focusing on self so as to understand my thoughts and ways and be better able to move beyond self-centeredness. Regrettably though, I often carry self-focus too far. So, I am appreciative of these words from desert fathers: they remind that my best focus is on God, and my ultimate hope is to be all light.

"Blessed Anthony, the man acknowledged to be the first monk, used to say:

“That is not a perfect prayer wherein the monk is conscious either of himself or the content of his prayer” (Cassian, Conference 9:31:1).

And then there is the delightful story from the desert tradition:

“Abba Lot came to Abba Joseph and said: 'Father, according as I am able, I keep my little rule, and my little fast, my prayer, meditation and contemplative silence; and according as I am able I strive to cleanse my heart of thoughts; now what more should I do?' The elder rose up in reply and stretched out his hands to heaven, and his fingers became like ten lamps of fire. He said: 'Why not become all light, all fire?' (Desert Fathers: LXXII)"

How might you and I be fire in our moments this day?

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