Thursday, February 14, 2008


A couple of nuggets about chocolate on this Valentine's Day:

* Chocolate contains small amounts of a chemical called phenylethylamine (PEA), a.k.a. the "love drug," and it's been linked to the regulation of physical energy, mood, and attention. A tiny amount of PEA is released at moments of emotional euphoria, elevating blood pressure and heart rate. There is no evidence that PEA found in foods increases PEA in the brain – although many chocolate lovers may beg to differ!

* Dark chocolate (as opposed to milk or white chocolate) contains healthful flavonoids similar to those found in tea, red wine, fruits, and vegetables. Studies have shown that small portions of dark chocolate can improve blood vessel flow and may improve blood sugar and insulin sensitivity to help reduce the risk of diabetes.

A downside, that we all know but MUST remind self of: chocolate candy has plenty of saturated fat and sugar, which can lead to weight gain. Still, we can enjoy small portions (and small is relative...) and still call our diet healthy. Whoohoo!

Happy day of love, friendship, and chocolate.

1 comment:

mercutio said...


About keeping track of food etc.

What is the health benefit of not eating between meals at all? For example, is there a benefit in not making the body produce insulin at short notice? Or in moderation does snacking not matter?

Northfield reader