Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Protein satiates

So, you want to know some protein sources for breakfast? You got it. My favorite is eggs, but there's also peanut butter (on toast, pancakes, sweet rolls; from a spoon, fork, or finger...), nuts, yogurt, beans, cheese, milk, meat/poultry/fish.

"Based on several new studies, eggs may be back on the breakfast menu too! Healthy adults (with no history of diabetes) can enjoy one to two eggs per day without increasing their blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels. People who eat protein, like eggs, for breakfast tend to eat fewer calories during the day and to maintain a healthier weight. They also report feeling more energetic than those who just eat carbohydrates, like a pastry, some toast, or bagel."

Protein is more satiating than carbohydrate, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (83, 2:211-20, 2006). [http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/hotnews/62h2291829.html]

Here's some yummy breakfast suggestions that include most major food groups: microwave a quesadilla on a whole wheat tortilla with black beans or enjoy a tofu (I'd substitute egg!) scrambler with chopped veggies and grated cheese.

(Photo 'borrowed' from ashtangiscook.blogspot.com/; with thanks!)

Most Americans - 80 to 90 percent in national surveys - believe that eating breakfast is a healthy habit. “However, only 40 to 50 percent of adults are actually eating breakfast on a regular basis,” says Jessica Grennan (state health alliances director for the American Heart Association in Montana). [http://www.dphhs.mt.govnewsevents/newsreleases2008/february/Breakfast.shtml]

Wanna join the minority of adults that actually do eat breakfast? Call me, maybe we can break a fast together.

1 comment:

P.Strecht said...

Hi, My right name is Heber Strecht.
I have tried to see the link you put like "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", that is, http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/hotnews/www.ajcn.org
and, when I tried to see this, the result is: "Page cannot be found". Please, if you have the study published at this location send me by mail (heber.portela@gmail.com) or publish it in your blog (if possible!).
Thanks, I have appreciated your blog very much.