Friday, August 1, 2008

Whatever produce

It’s squash and zucchini season, and of course I want to make good use of whatever produce grows on the garden vines. Cold zucchini soup sounds good. I just found a few recipes online that I’ll try out.
“Studies show that a green salad or bowl of broth-based vegetable soup before dinner can fill you up and help you eat less”
(please take this statement with a ‘grain of salt’ – in attempting to track down the source, I went from WebMD to various online links, to Royalty Drug & Pharmaceutical Care, Inc. {what? a pharmaceutical company?}; I decided it wasn’t worth any more minutes to find the true origin).

So maybe it’s a double benefit whammy: using up vitamin-packed produce AND eating less. That would be the hope!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zucchini soup sounds fantastic. Lightly sauteed zucchini slices are great, too...

(FWIW, your soup quote can be found here: