Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A change of pace

“My philosophy? Simplicity plus variety.” -Hank Stram

“Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor.” – William Cowper

Summer offers many a change of pace: school ceases for a time, families vacation, daily routines vary. I’ve been thinking about how changing our pace brings benefit. Here’s a few relatively easy ideas for change.

In the realm of eating, maybe try eating more slowly and on a smaller plate.

-Studies confirm that just by eating slower, we consume fewer calories — enough to lose 20 pounds a year without doing or eating anything differently. Since it takes almost 20 minutes for our brains to register that we’re full, eating quickly allows us to go past the point of fullness. [More reasons to eat slowly]

-Swap a 12-inch dinner plate for a 9-inch one. According to The 9-inch Diet we’ll cut our meal calories by 35%; Cornell University research says this trick could help us lose 18 pounds a year.

In the realm of energy, renewal can happen with a change of pace in routine, or a change in how we view our daily routine.

-Change the routine. Jesus said, “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31) when he and his disciples were overrun with people and activity. Summer often affords us a chance to get away and rest; rejuvenate by being outdoors, alone, or with a few intimate friends; and recreate with a favorite past time.

-Or try viewing routine differently by being more mindful. Mindfulness involves bringing our attention more completely to the moments in our lives: fully, without defense, with acceptance. Some ideas to try:

*eating dessert – my choice is French silk pie, but envision whatever is your choice splurge – in a new way, savoring the flavor, texture, coolness, velvety chocolateness; and in that moment not thinking about anything else, not reading, not doing email or watching TV, not talking.

* being in any of our situations as if we chose it, as if we really believe it is just what is supposed to be, being “present in love to what we are actually doing.” [Quote from Ernest E. Larkin article on Christian Mindfulness. For more, in the days ahead, see a new section called “Connecting bodymindsoulspirit" on my NaturallyYours web site]

I hope you are getting to change your pace and enjoy variety this summer.

"I just keep concentrating on the present moment. I forget the past and preserve myself from worries about the future." - St.Thérèse of Lisieux

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24

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