Tuesday, August 25, 2009


At the supper table last night it was mentioned that the TV program "The Simpsons" (one of Dan's favorites) has been on the air since 1989. A long time. I admit, I didn't let my kids watch it when they were young; I thought it to be a bad influence. I'm not saying yet that I love watching the episodes (I usually get frustrated!) but as I get older I'm finally realizing more of the wisdom in its sardonic humor. At least I'm trying to realize the wisdom. Like this comment to get us a-thinkin':

"Trying is the first step toward failure."
- Homer Simpson

1 comment:

Christopher Tassava said...

Brilliant! If you like Homer, you'll love despair.com:

I like the ambition poster: "The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly." (The picture is really key.)