Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Pat's "simply to serve"

In addition to enjoying a 20-year tradition of eating corned beef and cabbage (thanks, Sandbergs), it is fitting to remember the story of this day’s namesake.

Sixteen centuries ago, as a teenager, Patrick was taken from Britain as a slave to Ireland.
Later he escaped and returned to his homeland where his family urged him to stay and pursue a career.
But Patrick chose to leave comfortable, middle-class Britain and return to barbarian Ireland. So, in the early 400s AD, at great risk he left both his country and his parents, reaching out to "that race of people to which the love of Christ drew me and thus spend the rest of my life, if only I might prove worthy, simply to serve them in humility and truth."
Two centuries later, Patrick's spiritual descendants (Irish/Celtic Christians) took the message of God's love _back_ to Britain and western Europe. From http://www.aonotes.com/2009/03/16/one-teenager/

Do you suppose Pat was authentically happy? [see previous post :)]

Image from www.monasette.com/archive/2007_03.html

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