Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Enough sleep

"Americans get an average of six and a half hours of sleep a night,
a 25 percent drop since the early 1900s."

My family will testify that I think getting enough sleep is crucial. They'd likely even say I'm fanatical about it, though I don't always get as much sleep as I think I need. They argue that they don't need as much as the recommended 7.5 hours. In the next entries I'll pass along some benefits of getting adequate zzz's, but for now I'm reminding myself of some spiritual benefits of rest.

I read these words in an formative daily commentary, called Breakpoint:

"God built rest into the very rhythm of creation. Keeping a day of rest made His top-10 list…
Rest reminds us that there is Someone we can rest in. And our need for rest is a daily reminder that we are finite creatures and must trust in an infinite God."

"And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."
Genesis 2:3 (NIV)

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